Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Marquee Art (Thoughts)

I am getting very close to having to decide on some artwork for this project. I can't make up my mind at all. I don't even have a name picked out for this thing yet (not that it has to have one) and I only have some vague "I'll know it when I see it" direction as to what I want the finished marquee to look like. I really like the artwork mountain came up with for his jukebox but since I can't settle on a name I really can't use his idea (for a change).

I am having a hard time dealing with the odd semicircle shape. I think I'm going to have to pick a pattern for the background and have something designed over top of it.

Art ideas I have floating around:
  • I like the Rock Band 2 artwork
  • I love Pearl Jam and Radiohead so maybe a very subtle nod to one of them
  • I want it to be colorful but not too bright (muted/earthy tones)
I don't think this thing even has to have a name written on the marquee if I can find a suitable design for the space. In fact, I think I might prefer his route since it would be somewhat unique.

Anyway, after a couple hours of messing around in microsoft paint(!) I came up with this general idea:

The background is from the website and the radio dial is just something I found using a Google Image search. I kind of like it but it definitely needs a lot of work. Ideally I'd like to get a Photoshop expert to make it look more professional (crisper lines) and probably redraw the entire dial with all the numbers (since the pic I snagged isn't a perfect circle by any means). Finally, instead of the random text that you can barely read, I'd like to add a personal touch like maybe "Mfg. by 'my name' © 2008" or something.

It's a start!

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